Getting the right care you need is very important. But making smarter choices can help stretch your health care dollars further and save you a significant amount of your out-of-pocket expenses. There are a lot of myths out there about where to get the best care.
When you need health care right away, the emergency room may seem like a natural choice. But what if it’s not a true emergency? Did you know that you can still find quality care for a lot less money and spend less time waiting around?
Retail health clinics, walk-in doctor’s offices and urgent care centers can treat many of the same non-emergent health problems and injuries that an ER can. For non-emergencies, these other treatment center options are half the cost of going to an ER.
By using a lower-cost medical facility, you and the insurance company save money. If we can all save money, maybe the insurance companies can avoid raising their rates so much. That’s a good thing! Be a smart money manager, fight for your money, spend wisely.