Brought to you by Alison Gordon Insurance Services, Inc. CA license #0780178

Is it possible to exercise your depression away?

Can exercise and depression go hand-in-hand? The Insurance Mom exercises six days a week, including some cardio, strength training and definitely Pilates! How often do YOU exercise? I know, I know, getting started is the hardest part. In the US, exercise is not counted as an initial form of treatment for depression. Nope, here in the… Continue reading Is it possible to exercise your depression away?

Freelancers & Independent Contractors! A new CA law could HURT your status!

If you’re a FREELANCER in CA (aka INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS) — read all of this to protect your $$$ ! The Insurance Mom wants to make you aware of a recent CA Supreme Court ruling.    It could really HURT you as a FREELANCER.     If you HIRE freelancers, this new state law could hurt you as a… Continue reading Freelancers & Independent Contractors! A new CA law could HURT your status!

Hey, CALIFORNIA… here’s info about your INDIVIDUAL health insurance for 2019

READ ME… ALL OF ME!! It’s time to talk about individual HEALTH INSURANCE for 2019 — OPEN ENROLLMENT is starting 10/15/18 Information is starting to roll in.   BUT we’re still waiting for the FINAL RATES. What we know so far: There WILL BE rate increases — no, I don’t know how much yet There are… Continue reading Hey, CALIFORNIA… here’s info about your INDIVIDUAL health insurance for 2019

5 Tips From Your Insurance Broker!

Here are 5 tips from The Insurance Mom about Health Insurance you know only if you have an insurance broker — Read On!  You can’t just get individual health insurance any old time.   Enroll only during Open Enrollment!  The next one is November for coverage starting January 1st.   If you have coverage at work, you… Continue reading 5 Tips From Your Insurance Broker!

You think YOUR insurance company is bad?

You think your insurance company is bad?! Check out the latest bovine defecatory material about Aetna from CNN. We all know medical claims can be a nightmare to handle… How would you feel if something like this happened to YOU? The Insurance Mom says BE YOUR OWN BEST ADVOCATE!   Stay involved.  Keep informed.  

The Insurance Mom’s Handy Cheat Sheet!

Are you confused and frustrated by your health insurance?  Having health insurance can be like eating your broccoli … necessary but not fun. But now, you can understand more about how to make your insurance money work for you!  Here it is … your one stop guide to health insurance cheat sheet: The Insurance Mom Cheat… Continue reading The Insurance Mom’s Handy Cheat Sheet!

Have YOU planned for the OMG??!

Do YOU have enough bucks tucked under the mattress for that OMG-unexpected-high-medical-expense?  And, they’re always unexpected!  How will you pay for stuff?   Most people don’t have enough saved up for that OMG! time… or even for sushi next week.    I have some great ideas… like an automatic savings plan, like life insurance, like disability insurance,… Continue reading Have YOU planned for the OMG??!

ACA woes?  Hospitals and Docs feel it too!

Life since the Affordable Care Act is an interesting environment.  Everything is changing at such a rapid pace, no one knows how to keep up.  Hospitals are in the same boat, too! In a recent study, 75% of hospitals have reported an increase of emergency room traffic since the ACA started.  Not only that, but… Continue reading ACA woes?  Hospitals and Docs feel it too!

Weight for it . . .

Up until recently, I was really into weightlifting.  I used these guidelines in my weight training, and still use these mantras every day – no matter what I’m doing.  Here are the motivations (and inspirations) my trainer taught me.   Breathing Strength / Power Flexibility Endurance Coordination Flow Precision You cannot have strength without flexibility. … Continue reading Weight for it . . .

The Insurance Mom is on KPCC!

Check out this great article by Stephanie O’Neill at KPCC about brokers and the Affordable Care Act.  So pleased she did this article and flattered she asked me to participate. Give it a listen or a read and let me know your thoughts below.