The Insurance Mom wants you to stay pro-active about your preventive care (aka annual check-ups). Besides keeping some yummy chicken soup handy, having annual check-ups will keep you well-informed about your lifestyle and future health care choices.
Something sort of good has actually been included in the federal government’s “stealth” care reform bill. As of September 23, 2010, insurance companies must include annual preventive care benefits in all of their insurance plans. And, these wellness services must be at no cost to you. No co-pays, no deductibles.
But, these new benefits will not include every test in the book that your doctor wants to run. The services that are included are defined by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, American College of International Physician recommended vaccinations, and Health Resources and Services Administration recommended screenings and preventive care for infants, children and adolescents. For more information take a look at the government’s new website.
Some insurance plans already include full annual preventive care benefits, and those will not change. These new preventive care benefits will be added to existing plans that do not meet the new federal guidelines.
The Insurance Mom has a question. How do you think your rates are going to be affected when the insurance companies have to start paying for all of these new and improved benefits? Hmmmm?
Better keep that chicken soup handy!