Brought to you by Alison Gordon Insurance Services, Inc. CA license #0780178

5 things about health insurance you only know if you have a broker (Like ME!)

  1. You can’t just get individual health insurance any ‘ol time you want. You MUST enroll during Open Enrollment (which starts in November for coverage beginning in January).
    • ORRRRR you can get a new plan if you have a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) that happened within the last 60 days. A QLE is something like involuntary loss of employer coverage, marriage/divorce, having a baby, moving to a new state or the USA, etc.
  2. If you don’t pay your bill for your individual plan within 30 days and your insurance gets cancelled, in most states you’re out of luck until the next Open Enrollment. 
  3. EVERYONE gets one free physical per year with an IN-network doctor only (and ladies, you get a lady visit too). That’s ZERO DOLLARS! Not even a copay!  Check with your broker to find out which specific tests fit this deal.
  4. ALL FDA-approved birth control is FREE!
  5. If you have kids under age 19, they are automatically enrolled in pediatric dental & vision coverage included in your health insurance.  As long as you take ‘em to an IN-network dentist or optometrist, standard cleanings and exams are free, and most costs will be nicely discounted!

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