- You can’t just get individual health insurance any ‘ol time you want. You MUST enroll during Open Enrollment (which starts in November for coverage beginning in January).
- ORRRRR you can get a new plan if you have a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) that happened within the last 60 days. A QLE is something like involuntary loss of employer coverage, marriage/divorce, having a baby, moving to a new state or the USA, etc.
- If you don’t pay your bill for your individual plan within 30 days and your insurance gets cancelled, in most states you’re out of luck until the next Open Enrollment.
- EVERYONE gets one free physical per year with an IN-network doctor only (and ladies, you get a lady visit too). That’s ZERO DOLLARS! Not even a copay! Check with your broker to find out which specific tests fit this deal.
- ALL FDA-approved birth control is FREE!
- If you have kids under age 19, they are automatically enrolled in pediatric dental & vision coverage included in your health insurance. As long as you take ‘em to an IN-network dentist or optometrist, standard cleanings and exams are free, and most costs will be nicely discounted!