Brought to you by Alison Gordon Insurance Services, Inc. CA license #0780178

Big changes are coming for small business owners….

CALLING ALL SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS!!! Are you aware of the big health insurance changes coming in 2016??  The Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) will create a tsunami that may really change your health insurance benefits. Small Groups used to be classified as 2-50 employees.  In 2016, it will change to 1-100 employees. This major shift… Continue reading Big changes are coming for small business owners….

The DOL says Insurance companies are SOL denying certain lady stuff!

On May 11th, The Department of Labor issued a statement clarifying the terms the Affordable Care Act outlined in regards to preventative services covered AND lady visit stuff.  It made sure that these terms are no longer ambiguous.  THAT means insurance companies can’t jump around covering a few things they were denying before this statement… Continue reading The DOL says Insurance companies are SOL denying certain lady stuff!

Assurant is going WHERE!?

Big news across the nation.  Assurant Health, a big player in health insurance, will be closing up shop at the end of the year.  This means everyone with an individual Assurant plan will need to get a different plan in place for January 1st, 2016.  But my Assurant friends, we can’t do anything for you until… Continue reading Assurant is going WHERE!?

Good news for people with pricey $$ prescriptions!

Good news… perhaps!   If you have health insurance through Covered California (the CA exchange/marketplace), new limits have been set on how much you’ll pay for those expensive monthly “specialty” drugs.  Starting January 1st, 2016, you’ll see some upgrades in your prescription benefits. Covered California ruled that Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans will have a… Continue reading Good news for people with pricey $$ prescriptions!

Big changes for Blue Shield 2014 and onwards.

Chad Terhune is a favorite author around this office.  He writes great articles like this one about what’s going on in the health insurance market.  In it, he breaks down what happened with a recent audit on Blue Shield’s funds.  Here’s the Mom’s boiled down version. Blue Shield has been a non-for-profit since 1939.  In recent… Continue reading Big changes for Blue Shield 2014 and onwards.

Have YOU planned for the OMG??!

Do YOU have enough bucks tucked under the mattress for that OMG-unexpected-high-medical-expense?  And, they’re always unexpected!  How will you pay for stuff?   Most people don’t have enough saved up for that OMG! time… or even for sushi next week.    I have some great ideas… like an automatic savings plan, like life insurance, like disability insurance,… Continue reading Have YOU planned for the OMG??!

ACA woes?  Hospitals and Docs feel it too!

Life since the Affordable Care Act is an interesting environment.  Everything is changing at such a rapid pace, no one knows how to keep up.  Hospitals are in the same boat, too! In a recent study, 75% of hospitals have reported an increase of emergency room traffic since the ACA started.  Not only that, but… Continue reading ACA woes?  Hospitals and Docs feel it too!

Good news for the ladies!!

Hurray! On 5/11/15, the Department of Health and Human Services (ObamaCare)  told insurance companies they HAVE to give ladies access to  ALL federally approved methods of birth control.  NO EXCEPTIONS! Women’s groups have been reporting that IUD’s, Plan B, the patch, and the ring have been refused by many insurance companies.  According to the White… Continue reading Good news for the ladies!!

The Insurance Mom is on KPCC!

Check out this great article by Stephanie O’Neill at KPCC about brokers and the Affordable Care Act.  So pleased she did this article and flattered she asked me to participate. Give it a listen or a read and let me know your thoughts below.

Limited time only! Didn’t know about the tax penalty? Let’s get you health insurance

What’s Open Enrollment?  What’s a tax penalty!?    If you’re asking these questions, YOU NEED OUR HELP! If you are uninsured and were unaware that there is a tax penalty for not having health insurance, give us a call!  We have until April 30th to get you on a new plan… Pronto!