Brought to you by Alison Gordon Insurance Services, Inc. CA license #0780178

Today’s The Day in Health Care Reform

“They” say that today, September 23, 2010, is a milestone in health care reform, or as I’ve affectionately been calling it, Stealth Care Reform.   Some of the new federal mandates go into effect today, but will affect only some of you: 1.   Removal of pre-existing condition exclusions for minors up to age 19.  But, the… Continue reading Today’s The Day in Health Care Reform

The Other Side Of The Story

The Insurance Mom loves her colleagues around the country… they are a very smart bunch!  Especially Ric Joyner, a benefits specialist in Madison, WI, who writes an excellent benefits blog.      If you value your hard-earned money, I really want you to take a few moments to read how health care reform will impact your life… Continue reading The Other Side Of The Story

Take A Hike!

Please… sit up straight and pay attention class, elbows off the desks.   If you currently have an individual (not group) California health insurance plan with either Anthem Blue Cross OR Blue Shield, prepare for rate hikes heading our way October 1, 2010. The rate hikes range from 14% to 20% with Anthem Blue Cross, and… Continue reading Take A Hike!

Change Is The Only Constant

ObamaCare — aka Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — aka PPACA — aka PeePeeCaCa — is about to launch the first round of big changes in health insurance plans in every state, every insurance company, every plan, every one. No later than 9/23/10, there can be no lifetime limits on health plan coverage.  This… Continue reading Change Is The Only Constant

How To Add $$$$ To Your Paycheck

Want more take-home money in your paycheck?  Of course you do!   If you’re an employee (not an independent contractor) and are looking for ways to have more $$$$ in your checking account, then this article is for you. Eva Rosenberg, aka TaxMama, has some great advice… it’s even easy to follow!   The Insurance Mom wants… Continue reading How To Add $$$$ To Your Paycheck

Unintended Consequences

So you thought the new Health Care Reform law was on your side, didn’t you?  Ha.  Not so much.   There is nothing in the new law that will stop these unintended (but predictable) consequences. A provision of the new “stealth” care reform law says that insurance companies must issue health insurance to children, regardless of… Continue reading Unintended Consequences

Be Pro-Active and Preventive

The Insurance Mom wants you to stay pro-active about your preventive care (aka annual check-ups).    Besides keeping some yummy chicken soup handy, having annual check-ups will keep you well-informed about your lifestyle and future health care choices. Something sort of good has actually been included in the federal government’s “stealth” care reform bill.    As of… Continue reading Be Pro-Active and Preventive

Uninsured? Uninsurable?

In March of 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act—the new health law.  The law creates a new program – the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan — to make health coverage available to you if you have been denied health insurance by private insurance companies because of a pre-existing condition. A couple… Continue reading Uninsured? Uninsurable?

Doughnut holes, hold the coffee

If you or anyone you know is currently on Medicare and enrolled in a Part D drug plan, the new “Stealthcare” reform laws enacted this year are now starting to offer you a small safety net… really small.   If you reach the dreaded “doughnut hole” — that place where you have to pay full price… Continue reading Doughnut holes, hold the coffee

The Anthem Saga

Here’s an interesting opinion piece from the NY Times.   At least they’re willing to acknowledge that the rising health care costs are a primary reason for rising health insurance premiums.