Brought to you by Alison Gordon Insurance Services, Inc. CA license #0780178

Open Enrollment Announcement! Extension!

Hello, kiddies!  The emails just started flying in.  The new news is that Open Enrollment has been extended on Covered California for those who are currently uninsured.  It will now end April 30th. 2015. I was just about to post a funny piece on winding down from Open Enrollment, but I suppose that will wait… Continue reading Open Enrollment Announcement! Extension!

Good News for All You Ladies in CA!

Ladies! Were you excited to hear that the new federal law, The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare,) would make it so your health insurance would cover your birth control, but then were disappointed to find out that your specific brand was the exception to that rule? Well, the State of California has passed SB 1053 that… Continue reading Good News for All You Ladies in CA!

Will YOU Be My Doctor?!

ALL networks are getting skinner and anorexic, reducing your choices for 2015. In 2014, the biggest problem with doctor networks came with plans purchased on Covered CA.   It was hard to determine if your doctor took the Covered CA plans.  The Covered CA search engine was incorrect and removed from the website.    Some doctors only… Continue reading Will YOU Be My Doctor?!

Rates, Schmates! What About Doctor Networks?!

With all the changes in health insurance, everyone seems to be talking only about monthly premiums.   But what about access to your favorite doctors who may not be in your plan’s network anymore? You may be seeing a lot of ads on Proposition 45, which has to do with how rates are regulated (see my… Continue reading Rates, Schmates! What About Doctor Networks?!

How Much Will it Cost to Get Covered in 2015? 

If you know anything about the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), you know that the next Open Enrollment period is coming up (Nov. 15th – Feb. 15th for a Jan. 1st and later start date.) Everyone’s first question to me is “how much will my monthly premium be?” We don’t have enough info yet to compare. … Continue reading How Much Will it Cost to Get Covered in 2015? 

Time to Vote! Pay attention to Prop 45!

As you know, I normally don’t share my political opinions with clients.   However, Proposition 45 is on this November’s ballot and it will have a direct impact on your health insurance… and not in a good way. As your agent, I feel compelled to make you aware of Proposition 45 and why I so strongly… Continue reading Time to Vote! Pay attention to Prop 45!

Covered California Less Confusing The Second Time Around?

If you’re one of the 1.2 million California residents currently enrolled in a health insurance plan through Covered California, renewing your plan for 2015 may be a bit of a mess. Here’s what’s coming. It’s a bulky two-step process that could confuse you and cause a minor panic attack. If you’re already insured through Covered… Continue reading Covered California Less Confusing The Second Time Around?

Are you OK with one person taking control of what happens to your medical bills?

I don’t think I’ve ever politicized a blog post.  This could be a first.   So you’ve gotta know how important it must be. Proposition 45 will be on the ballot in November.  Prop 45 is a flawed, deceptive measure that will increase costs for consumers and (maybe) harm the quality of our health care. A… Continue reading Are you OK with one person taking control of what happens to your medical bills?

Confused about subsidies?

Are you eligible for a subsidy to help pay for your health insurance premium in 2014?   It’s not that difficult to figure out. You can use the subsidy calculator at   Use the income that was reported on your 2012 tax return. If you are not eligible for a subsidy then there is absolutely NO… Continue reading Confused about subsidies?

Aetna Bites The Dust

Did you  know?  If you are in California and have an individual health insurance policy with Aetna, you are being abandoned on January 1, 2014.   Because of certain provisions in ObamaCare (aka The Affordable Care Act aka ACA), Aetna has decided to get out of the California individual market (can anyone say “profit margin”?) and… Continue reading Aetna Bites The Dust