Alison Gordon is the Insurance Mom.
“Insurance,” because, well, I help with every aspect of your Health, Life, Disability and Long Term Care insurance. “Mom,” because Mom is always on your side.
I don’t work for any insurance company. I work for you, sweetie. Period.
Testimonials — A few words about Mom from people like you…

The Insurance Mom’s Background
I learned a lot about insurance from Dear Old Dad—between us we have over 75 years making our clients feel like family, and take care of people just like you. Dear Old Dad taught me always to take care of my clients in the way that I would want to be taken care of. Because I always listen to my Dad, that’s just what I do.
My 32 years of experience in serving people and coordinating chaos makes The Insurance Mom a safe place to find out about the overwhelming world of HMOs, PPOs, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and the ABCs of LTC (Long Term Care). Whether it’s just you, your family or your whole company, this Mom knows best.
The Insurance Mom knows how to protect your budget, the people you love, your lifestyle, and your future.
As an Independent Broker, The Insurance Mom isn’t employed by any insurance company or big one-size-fits-all sales organization. The Insurance Mom is on your side.
While I can’t make insurance fun, The Insurance Mom can give you the advice you need and help you sort out the (sometimes) dizzying array of information about insurance.
With The Insurance Mom you’ll be confident that you’re making the right decisions. Won’t that feel good?
Personal Details
I always take my Mom’s advice, and work out, lift weights, boxing, cardio, smoothies, flax seed, Rock n Roll, and garden. But I don’t do windows or cook… this Mom orders in and her specialty is making reservations.
Originally from across the pond, England, my parents moved to California when I was in grade school. Raised in Los Angeles, I have lived my whole life here and, at this point, you’d never know I wasn’t really a native.
The Insurance Mom’s approach is professional and, above all, personal. Many of my clients have also become dear friends over the years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So, contact me, and we’ll have a nice chat about you and your needs. Because nothing can bring a smile to The Insurance Mom’s face like those three little words, “I need insurance.”